Our Frenchie Family

We Love Our Frenchies!

Come meet our frenchie family! Here at Muddy River Frenchies, we make sure all of our frenchies are being taken care of and loved. All of our frenchies live our and our family members houses! Our frenchies are our family and we hope we can provide a loving environment for your new family members as they are starting their lives!

Our Frenchies

Bellatrix (Bella)

We adopted Bella when she was just 12- weeks- old. Ever since she entered our family, we have never been bored! Bella has a very spunky and stubborn attitude. She loves to sleep and hates when you wake her up too early, often burying herself in the blankets until she's ready for the day. She loves her ZippyPaws® burrow toys and new tennis balls. She will do almost anything for a treat, including spinning while up on her back legs and speak! She hates any green foods, clothes, and when someone takes her bones away. She also loves playing with her best friend Buck!

*Bella is spayed and will not be having puppies in the future.

Buckbeak (Buck)

Buck is our resident "Hufflepuff" and is a complete goofball. When we adopted Buck, he never missed a beat in fitting in with our family. From day one, we fell in love with his sweet and sensitive personality! He's a huge air head and is always being goofy. He loves food and will eat anything he can find (with the exception of anything fish flavored). He loves cuddling, belly-rubs, and any type of thing he can chew on. He's constantly playing, running around and annoying his best friend Bella.


Gizmo is the oldest of the group and the most independent. She is a great listener and loves nothing more than going out and helping with the chickens and running around the yard. She likes to play fetch and likes her alone time. Gizmo is a great mom and loves taking care of her puppies. She never takes an eye off of them.

Gizmo has Puppies available now!

Bertie Bott's Beans (B.B)

B.B. is loving and has a high- energy personality. She loves car rides and running laps around the yard. She hates getting her toenails cut and demands lots of loves when you do have to cut them. She loves to race with the dogs and she always wins. She loves to chew on her bones and getting all the toys out of the toy box.

B.B. lives with her Dad in Chicago!

She will not be having more puppies.

Our Non-Frenchie Family

Buck and Bella with George

George the Cat

George is our former outdoor cat who became an indoor/ outdoor cat after he taught himself how to use the doggy door. Now he spends his day lounging somewhere in the house. George is a super laid back and chill cat who tolerates the crazy frenchies who torment him constantly.